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testSamsung GALAXY S5 - Official Introduction

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Focusing on capabilities that matter the most to users, the new Samsung GALAXY S5 offers a refined experience while innovating essential, day-to-day features.

Featuring a perforated pattern on the back cover and an array of vivid colors (shimmery White, charcoal Black, copper Gold and electric Blue), the GALAXY S5's modern glam design complements your individual style, while the 5.1-inch Full HD Super AMOLED screen with a slim bezel and Adaptive Display provides a superior viewing experience.

Inside, the GALAXY S5 packs a 2,800mAh battery, 2.5GHz Quad Core processor, 2GB RAM and runs Android™ 4.4 (KitKat®).
Around back is a 16-megapixel camera with a larger image sensor. It has the world's fastest autofocus speed up to 0.3 seconds on a smartphone, a new Selective Focus that makes it a snap to take pictures with blurred backgrounds, as well as the ability to preview in real time when capturing High Dynamic Range (Rich Tone) images and videos.

The GALAXY S5 also has the most advanced Wi-Fi and LTE performance with support for Wi-Fi 802.11ac 2X2 MIMO and LTE Category 4 standard. For an even faster connection, Download Booster lets you bond Wi-Fi and LTE simultaneously to maximize data speeds.

For an active lifestyle, the GALAXY S5 provides dedicated fitness tools such as the ability to set tailored goals for workouts, track fitness progress and measure heart rate with built-in heart rate sensor. You can further customize the experience with the next-generation of Gear wearables with enriched third-party app ecosystem.

Other features on the GALAXY S5 include dust and water resistance (IP67), an Ultra Power Saving Mode for times when you need to minimize battery consumption and a Finger Scanner for additional security.

For more information about the GALAXY S5, visit

* Services listed may change or not be available in all regions and features, connectivity and memory options may vary by region.

* Google, Google Play, Android, Google Maps and Google are trademarks of Google Inc.

testSamsung GALAXY S5 - Official Introduction

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Meskel Square, la grande piazza al centro di Addis Abeba in Etiopia, è il centro nevralgico della città attraversato ogni giorno da migliaia di veicoli e pedoni. Una vera e propria giungla fatta di cemento, auto e persone!

In ETIOPIA non servono i SEMAFORI